For Awesome Technologies, a German company specialized in modernizing how factories operate, Everlab designed the stand-alone central control ACPS-Pillar for their tablet based software solution.
From this central hub the surrounding factory equipment can be controlled and a tablet or AR glasses can be used to view information about the processes in real time.
We were tasked with designing a one-size-fits-all “pillar” that features all the components of the solution. The product is placed in high-tech factories, where space optimization is a driving factor for efficiency.
Furthermore, the aesthetics of the pillar need to fit the futuristic AR enabled factory. The shape of the folded metal feels a bit like a puzzle.
Since factories, even high tech ones, can be dirty and dusty, the pillar needed to protect the VR headset, the computer, the keyboard and the UPS.
Everlab built five fully functional prototypes in various colors for the client to showcase to their own clients and prospects.
During the design process, the scalability was a crucial aspect. The production steps are quite minimal. This contributes to allowing for JIT (just in time) manufacturing.